Dog Research Exposed
Over 55,000 dogs are used in biomedical and chemical experiments in the United States each year. Join host Ellie Hansen, author of Laboratory Dogs Rescued, as she continues her eye-opening interviews about how we can work together to end the cruel and unnecessary use of dogs in research. Dogs–sentient beings like you and I–suffer greatly in research laboratories, and few (if any) of the experiments they are used for actually benefit human health. Truthful, inspiring, and educational…real dialogue with the people who are on the forefront of changing the animal testing paradigm.

Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Dogs are obviously very different from humans, yet dogs and other animals are still being used as models for humans in drug development. Not only is this inhumane, but could this be one of the major reasons we still don’t have cures for diseases such as Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and cancer despite decades of research? In this fascinating episode we’re talking with Dr. Jarrod Bailey, a geneticist from Animal Free Research UK. He is working to encourage and accelerate a cultural shift in science—away from using animals, and towards advanced human-specific research methods which will benefit animals and humans alike.

Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
The anti-vivisection movement—those who fight against animal experimentation—has a rich history that rarely makes its way into general knowledge. But, you can be certain that since the dawn of animal research in America, people have thought that hurting and killing dogs and other animals for science is morally and ethically wrong and they have stood up against it.
Lindsey Soffes is a Program Officer at Rise for Animals, an animal rights organization established in New England in 1895 with a crucial mission: to end all animal experimentation. Lindsey joins us today to shine a light on dog research looking through the lens of one of our nation’s oldest anti-vivisection institutions. Lindsey also reveals details about a new, public database Rise for Animals has created to track dog research activity and increase transparency of the research industry that currently operates in secrecy.

Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
In the summer of 2022, the world witnessed the largest dog rescue in United States history when Envigo—a company in Virginia breeding beagles for experimental research—was found guilty on many charges of animal cruelty and was shut down. All of the 4,500 beagles suffering within Envigo’s cages were rescued and adopted to loving homes.
One of the champions for these beagles was Senator Bill Stanley, a Republican representing the state of Virginia, who had personally witnessed what was happening inside Envigo and took a stand to help the dogs. In a rare show of political cooperation, Senator Stanley rallied fellow legislators to join the cause and he gives us an inside look at how they succeeded in closing Envigo. Heartwarming stories of his own Envigo beagles—Dixie and Daisy—are shared, as well as more about his continuing fight to help end the cruel use of dogs for research.

Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Our relationships with animals, whether as individuals or as a society, directly affects human health. In this profound episode, Dr. Aysha Akhtar shares why having empathy for animals is so important for human life on all levels. She reveals that the key to sustainable human health is getting away from animal testing—which causes significant harm, pain, and suffering to dogs and other research animals—and replacing it with more humane, human-specific technologies. With over a decade of experience working for the U.S. government in top medical positions, and now the C.E.O of the Center for Contemporary Sciences, Dr. Akhtar gives us an inside look at what it will take to make this change happen.

Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
Wednesday Mar 01, 2023
John Curtin is a veteran animal rights activist in the United Kingdom who now heads up Camp Beagle—a protest that sits right outside the gates of Marshall BioResources, or MBR. An American company, MBR breeds beagles and other animals for biomedical research. For over 18 months people from all over the world have come to Camp Beagle in the U.K. to protest against MBR. Camp Beagle is an actual 'camp'--complete with tents and food, and anyone is welcome to stay and engage in protesting to help save the MBR beagles. Get more information at:

Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Tuesday Jan 31, 2023
Considering adopting a former laboratory dog but not sure what to expect? Dr. Stacy Lopresti-Goodman joins us to discuss the negative impact that confinement, social isolation, and physical abuse have on the psychological well-being of animals rescued from laboratories. Her latest published research paper is on the adoptability of former research beagles and their ability to overcome the trauma of life in a lab. This groundbreaking work shows that former laboratory dogs make good companions and should be given that chance.

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
What was it like to be part of the largest dog rescue in U.S. history—the 4,000 beagles of Envigo? These beagles were destined for a life of cruel and painful experimentation and certain death in research laboratories around the world until Envigo—a massive research dog breeding facility in Virginia—was shut down. John Ramer, Director of Kindness Ranch Animal Sanctuary, was one of the few people who were allowed onto Envigo’s property, and he takes us step by step through his personal journey to help rescue the 4,000 beagles of Envigo. *Also featuring an audio debut by Uno…the very first beagle released from Envigo.

Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
The U.S. government is the driving force behind most of the dog testing taking place in America today. It is a little-known fact that the taxes we pay as citizens every year are actually funding the largest animal testing organization in the world: the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Justin Goodman, Senior Vice President of Advocacy and Public Policy at White Coat Waste Project, rocks this episode and sheds light on what’s happening in Congress right now to stop taxpayer-funded experiments on dogs.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
In 2021-2022, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) conducted a seven-month-long undercover investigation at Inotiv—an animal research laboratory in Indiana—and what they found inside was horrific animal suffering. While most of the animals in these experiments at Inotiv have already been killed, there remain 48 beagles who are being used to test a new drug for Crinetics Pharmaceuticals, and their experiment is about to end…along with these beagles’ lives. Katie Conlee, Vice President for Animal Research Issues with HSUS, joins us in this episode to give us the latest news on these beagles and what we can do to help save them.

Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
How can we help former research dogs leave the past behind and find happiness…perhaps for the first time in their lives? Dog trainer and nutritionist Tamara Tokash shares decades of wisdom and cool tips to help dogs who’ve left the confinement of a research laboratory by promoting their healing from the inside out.